Raptor Stripper Header
Introducing the K‑Hart Raptor stripper header!
This efficient, high-speed design features a rotor with rows of fingers that strip the grain from the crop leaving the stem standing in the field.
Process the grain – not the straw! Save wear and tear on your combine while harvesting more grain, faster!
Harvest Faster
Harvest up to 50% faster – saving expensive hours on your combine.
Lower Fuel Cost
Save up to 50% on your combine’s fuel bill.
Made in Canada
The Raptor is designed and manufactured in Manitoba, Canada.
Harvest Earlier in the Year
Start harvesting when the grain is ready – not the straw.
Greatly Increase Snow Trapping
The standing straw that the Raptor leaves behind traps more snow, which profides extra moisture for next year’s crop – resulting in greater yields.
Recover Lodged Crops
The stripping rotor will lift lodged crops and efficiently harvest the grain.